Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 6 "The girl who played with fire"

Day 5 "The girl with the dragon tattoo"

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
A book that I have been seeing on book store shelves for a very long time and my curiosity finally got the best of me. I had consistently been seeing the Stieg Larsson titles breaching the top of New York Best Selling lists for over a year! What really tipped the scale for me was when Stephen King had listed the entire "Millennium Trilogy" as a must read on his 2010 Summer reading list.
When I heard the word "trilogy" that really peaked my interest. I had no idea that the other books that I randomly passed by in the book store were any way, shape, or form, connected? And yet after thinking about it momentarily it all came together and made perfect sense. So, I braved enough courage to order the first book on my Kindle and read it with ease.
At first, I wasn't sure I was going to grasp "The girl with the dragon tattoo". It was very Swedish in nature and that makes a lot of sense being that the entire book takes place in Sweden!! And the author himself was a longtime author and editor of a Swedish magazine and newspaper.
Lots of names, lots of facts, lots of things are thrown at the reader and it can be hard to digest for a short sitting. HOWEVER, if you get to the middle of the book it really begins to take shape and develops a life of its own. If you get through book one....you won't be able to NOT read book two. You guessed it. If you get through book two...you won't be able to NOT read book three. It comes together marvelously in three separate books.
I have always had a little sick interest in serial killers and what makes them tick. So, the fact that this book takes that twist really pulled me into the plot.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Day 4 "Animal Farm"
This thought provoking book really got me thinking about power

and control within government. The analogy was clearly a depiction of communism.
You had the farm animals over throw an existing government for the good of the entire farm. Everything was equal and every animal worked together. Except for the pigs. They were put into the leadership role and all was fair at the beginning until Napoleon took over.
Again, you could CLEARLY see the comparison between the pigs as Stallen and Trotsky. And you couldn't help but start to feel for the rest of the animals as the pigs gained control of the farm and stamp out an positive idea of communism could have been. It opened itself up to dictatorship. It opened itself up for colossal failure because of greed and corruption. The animals portraying the parts couldn't have been more perfect.
The only sad thing is the lack of a sequel. It would have been
interesting to see a followup book that showed what happened to the farm once Napoleon was dead and gone. Almost like a mirror to the Soviet Union. Animal Farm part 2.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Day 3 "Lord of the Flies"
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day 2 "Jekyll and Hyde"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Day 1 "Treasure Island"

The 365 Day Journey
First, I had recently downloaded Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and wanted to get the writers review on what she thought of the timeless classic.
Second, I discovered that the author had turned to books as a form of therapy after losing her eldest sister. This therapy turned into a 365 day journey.
Third, it was this 365 journey that fascinated me enough to get the book. (Which I will be blogging about in future entries.) The author went on a 365 day book reading therapy. One book a day over 365 straight long days!! That's amazing!! (I'm not sure how many have ever ready "War and Peace"??? Can you read that in one sitting?? Can you read that in one day? Just a thought.
I felt compelled to join this 365 day challenge and start reading and blogging my way through the book world!!!
I have always loved books. They fascinate me. Some of my readings are simple and yet some of my readings can be quite complicated. Weird? Yes. Sometimes I dabble in the weird and strange. I love to dive into mystery and suspense. Romance? Not so much. Although I have been suckered into a few romance flicks without really knowing. Sometimes I find myself going back and reading the "Classics". Books that I have read when I was younger, but some that have always been listed as classics but my eyes have never been lucky enough to glance upon.
My journey starts today. Here is to a year of good reading.......
(On another note....Here is what I hope to accomplish from this mini adventure into reading. I hope to find some great books. I hope to learn and to lose myself in the art of good reading and writing. And I hope that if failure strikes early in NOT being able to accomplish the task of reading ONE BOOK A DAY. That I don't give up and that I continue pressing forward in the journey ahead.).
Here's to reading.