It's interesting on the direction the 365 Challenge takes you AND in less than 30 days! I have found myself furiously reading some books to get through them, and some books have been flawless like cutting through soft butter.
I'm going to take a new approach to the challenge in that I don't necessarily read ONE book a Day. That I try and read as many books in a month as I can....and count that towards the year end total (365) Which, quite frankly, is A LOT of books. If I fall short on that number, I can at least say I made an attempt and can't honestly say that I would be a failure for simply reading more? At the end of the 365 trek I will make note of the amount of books I finished.
The change is coming due to the July 4th and with other holidays and special occasions it might be hard to pull away in the corner and seclude myself. some other blog I will give some ideas and hints of how you can read more in your spare time. It might actually surprise you!
The more I think about the challenge, the more I think about reading, and it seems like there are so many books that jump off the shelves at me when I'm searching for new books. I can't possibly read them all, but my reading WANT list is growing.
I want to read some King, Twain, Poe, Kipling, Stevenson, and of course Tolstoy!! But its going to have to be spread out!!! =) And of course....there is always a surprise in the bunch!! Thank you Suzanne Collins for "The Hunger Games Trilogy"
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